Thursday, June 4, 2015

Nouns and Kinds of Nouns - Learn English by MKS Part 5

       Noun is the first kind in Part of Speech. A noun is a word used as the name of the person, place or thing. The word "Thing" includes all objects that we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell and something that we can think of but cannot perceive (recognize) by sense.

1. Sita is a good girl.
2. Delhi is a State.
3. This book is for English reading.
       In the above examples the given names sita, girl, delhi, book, english and state are names so we call them as nouns.

Kinds of Nouns:

1. Common Noun: A common noun is a name given in a commmon to every person or thing of the same class or kind. [common means shared by ALL]

Ex: The girls are beautiful
      There are 30 boys in the school.
      Rose is a flower.

2. Proper Noun: A proper noun is the name of some particular person or place [proper means one's own. Hence a proper name is person's own name]

Ex: John Playing Cricket.
      Shakespeare is a great Poet.

3. Collective Noun: A collective Noun is the name of a number (or Collection) of persons or things taking together and spoken of an one whole [ Collective means whole ]

 Ex: An army , A crowd, A team.

4. Material Noun: A material noun is a name given to the materials of the world.

Ex: Iron, Gold, Copper, Steel, Silver, Sand, bronze

5. Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is usually the name of quality, state or action based on state of the sentence Abstract nouns are formed from Adjectives and also from common nouns.

Ex: childhood, slave, youth, playing, theft, laughter, honesty, growth.

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